![]() EnigmassLaboratoires d'Excellence LAPTh, an overviewLAPTh is a mixed research unit (UMR 5108) of the CNRS
NewsPortrait Jérémie QuevillonJérémie Quevillon is a CNRS research scientist affiliated with LAPTh since the fall of 2023. His primary focus lies in theoretical particle physics, with a particular emphasis on physics Beyond the Standard Model. Following the completion of his PhD at LPT Orsay (2011-2014), under the supervision of Abdelhak Djouadi, where he investigated the phenomenology of the Higgs boson, supersymmetry, and dark matter. Francesca Calore as new Council Chair of EuCAPTGianfranco Bertone (Amsterdam U.) announced the appointment of Silvia Pascoli (Bologna U.) as the new Director of the European Consortium for Astroparticle Theory (EuCAPT), David Marsh (Stockholm U.) as Vice-director, and Francesca Calore (LAPTh's member) as new Council Chair. EuCAPT is only 5 years old, it has grown to a vibrant and diverse community of 140 institutions all over Europe, with more than 1700 active members. With 11 task forces in place, coordinating the EuCAPT activities across the many fronts on which they are active: Collaborative Projects, Colloquia, Community Building, Funding Opportunities, Governance, Newsletter, Outreach, Symposium, Training, Website, Workshops. L’ouvrage Étonnante Physique Francesca CALORE, chercheuse au LAPTh et récipiendaire de la médaille de Bronze du CNRS en 2021, a signé l'une des 70 contributions de physiciennes et de physiciens récemment récompensés pour l’originalité et l’importance de leurs travaux par une médaille du CNRS. Son texte est intitulé "Traquer la matière noire" sur l'origine et le devenir de l'Univers. En savoir plus: 150 ans de la SFP et remise du prix Friedel VolterraA l'occasion des 150 ans de la Société Française de Physique, Pasquale Dario Serpico a reçu le Prix Friedel-Volterra 2022. Lors du 26 congrès de la SFP qui a eu lieu le 4 juillet 2023 il a présenté Messagers de l'univers comme sondes (astro)physiques. More Articles...
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