Activity Reports and Reviews

"Goals and Resources" presentation (June 29, 2012) in French: download pdf
All laboratories in France are now reviewed every 4/5 years by the AERES (the French Agency for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education). The evaluation is based on an activity report for the past 4 years and a project for the next 4 years submitted by the lab. The AERES appoints a committee of experts which studies these documents, visits the lab and interviews its members. The committee then writes a recommendation for the AERES. This recommendation is passed to a council of the AERES which delivers the final evaluation.
Activity Report (AERES) 2005-2009: download pdf Project 2011-2014 (AERES): download pdf
Evaluation 2010 from AERES: download pdf
(all these documents are in English)
Previous evaluations were conducted by the CNRS. The following documents are in French
Rapport d'activité 2002-2005: Ici
Rapport d'activité 2002-2003: Ici
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