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Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de
Physique Théorique


LAPTh, an overview

LAPTh is a mixed research unit (UMR 5108) of the CNRS lapth-lapp(within the Institute of Physics, INP) and the Université de Savoie. It is  located in Annecy-le-Vieux, 5km from the centre of Annecy and about 40km from CERN and Geneva.  The activities of LAPTh are centred around three main areas of research:

  • phenomenology of particle physics,
  • astroparticles and cosmology,
  • mathematical physics in particular field and string theory and  aspects of symmetry. 


Most Cited Article in Nuclear Physics

mostcitedThe article Conformal properties of four-gluon planar amplitudes and Wilson loops by James Drummond, Emery Sokatchev from LAPTh and Gregory Korchemsky from Saclay was awared the prize of the  "most cited article" for the period 2006-2010.


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