Research Areas
Particle Physics

Research topics
- Quantum Chromodynamics at short and long distances
- Fragmentation
- Prompt photons
- Phenomenology of the electroweak interaction, symmetry breaking
- Higgs physics
- Physics beyond the Standard model (supersymmetry, extra dimensions, Higgsless models,...)
- Models of Dark Matter, interpaly between collider, direct and indirect searches and cosmology
- QCD and Electroweak radiative corrections, techniques for loop multi-leg processes
- Flavour physics
- Quark gluon plasma
- Heavy ion collisions
- Renormalisation and gauge fixing
- Field theory at finite temperatures
Organisation of Conferences and Workshops
- Les Houches Workshop: Physics at TeV Colliders (series since 1999, every two years)
- Tools for the New Physics (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012: Stockholm, in preparation)
Astroparticle physics / Cosmology
Research topics

- Cosmic rays
- Sources of galactic cosmic rays
- Propagation of galactic cosmic rays
- Gamma rays and radio skies
- Anisotropies
- The nature of Dark Matter
- Indirect sigantures
- Formation of proto-haloes
- Alternative wimps
- Particle astrophysics and stars
- Low energy neutrinos
- Gamma Ray Burst (GRB)
- Cosmlogy
- CMB and polarisation
- Models of Dark Energy
- Mirage Dark Energy
Organisation of doctoral programmes
Fields, Strings and Symmetries
Research topics

Organisation of Workshops
Social Network Sites