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Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de
Physique Théorique


LAPTh, an overview

LAPTh is a mixed research unit (UMR 5108) of the CNRS lapth-lapp(within the Institute of Physics, INP) and the Université de Savoie. It is  located in Annecy-le-Vieux, 5km from the centre of Annecy and about 40km from CERN and Geneva.  The activities of LAPTh are centred around three main areas of research:

  • phenomenology of particle physics,
  • astroparticles and cosmology,
  • mathematical physics in particular field and string theory and  aspects of symmetry. 


La Nuit des Ondes Gravitationnelles


La Nuit des ondes gravitationnelles sera l'occasion pour des lycéens, étudiants et tous les curieux des sciences de venir s'informer et échanger sur cette découverte scientifique majeure lors d'une grande soirée festive qui se tiendra simultanément dans 12 villes en France et 2 villes en Italie.

Dans chacune de ces villes, la soirée commencera à 18h30. A Paris la soirée se terminera par une conférence portant sur la relativité dans le cinéma de science-fiction. Elle sera présentée par Quentin Lazzarotto, cinéaste, et Richard Taillet, physicien. En s’appuyant sur plusieurs extraits de films, les intervenants décrypteront les différentes façons de montrer de la science au cinéma.

Read more: La Nuit des Ondes Gravitationnelles


First Franco-Russian Doctorate, initiated by LAPTh

Last June, the signing of the first Franco-Russian doctorate was held at the French Embassy in Moscow. The partners of this agreement, initiated by Pascal CHARDONNET of LAPTh, are the Université Savoie Mont Blanc, the Université Grenoble-Alpes, the COMUE Grenoble-Alpes, the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics and the MEPhI in Moscow.

The objectives of the PhD in Fundamental Physics are:
- the integration of the training project in fundamental physics, with the creation of a graduate school where Franco-Russian professors from partner universities will share their lectures.
- the organization of joint doctoral training schools, which will take place every year in Russia and France.
- the increasing of mobility between the two countries between the consortium partners both among students and professors.
- the issue of a joint doctoral degree at the end of the program.
- the promotion of dissemination of cultural exchanges with a language component, even if the main language remains English.

The first joint doctoral training school will be held in Moscow on 12-16 December this year, which coindices with the 50th anniversary of Franco-Russian scientific cooperation. The theme will focus on the structure and evolution of the universe. The LAPTh welcome also the first student of the doctorate starting November 2016, on the understanding of the dark age of our universe with the formation of its first stars.


The IDEX project Université Grenoble Alpes is selected !

bandeau-comue-ugainvestissements avenirThe conglomerate of academic institutions united by the Grenoble Alpes University Community (UGA) has been selected winner of the Excellence Initiative (IDEX) by an international jury chaired by Jean-Marc Rapp. The project submitted by the COMUE "Communauté Université Grenoble Alpes" under the programme "Investments for the Future" aims at creating a world-class university, with a strong international reputation, founded on scientific excellence, dynamism of its ecosystem, the leading rôle in educational innovation and student success, the involvement and commitment of the socio-economic and cultural world and local authorities. This date will mark a new beginning for the new institution and will be a major boon for all the laboratories involved. For LAPTh this will reinforce our contribution to the Excellence Laboratory Initiative (Labex) Enigmass and build upon our efforts in building a strong collaboration with the laboratories of the site in the framework of the UGA scientific clusters. More details on the UGA Idex project can be found here (in French).


International Indo-French Laboratory: IFTHEP

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 LAPTh (F. Boudjema) is coordinating an Indo French Laboratory, LIA  (Laboratoire International Associé). The Indian coordinator is Rohini Godbole of the IISc (Indian Institute of Science) in Bangalore. The set up of the LIA is well timed since it covers the physics of the LHC, the LHC has just started colliding beams to achieve the unprecedented total centre of mass energy of 13TeV. After the discovery of the Higgs we are hoping that the opening up of this new threshold will allow discoveries that will shed light on the mysteries of the Higgs and provide clues about dark matter. The other major topic of the LIA is the study of the quark gluon plasma which intimately should provide clues about how matter forms in extreme conditions.

The LIA is structured around 4 nodes in each country. Participating laboratories represent the leading theory groups in both country with a high visibility internationally. The French laboratories are LAPTh, LPSC Grenoble, IPN Lyon, LPT Orsay, CPhT (Ecole Polytechnique) and IPhT CEA Saclay. On the Indian part beside IISc we have TIFR Mumbai, SINP/IACS/IISER Kolkata, IMSc Chennai and HRI Allahabad. The LIA IFTHEP (Indo French Theory High Energy Physics) , will run for an initial period of 4 years.


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