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Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de
Physique Théorique


LAPTh, an overview

LAPTh is a mixed research unit (UMR 5108) of the CNRS lapth-lapp(within the Institute of Physics, INP) and the Université de Savoie. It is  located in Annecy-le-Vieux, 5km from the centre of Annecy and about 40km from CERN and Geneva.  The activities of LAPTh are centred around three main areas of research:

  • phenomenology of particle physics,
  • astroparticles and cosmology,
  • mathematical physics in particular field and string theory and  aspects of symmetry. 


LAPTh co-organiser of a High Energy School in Turkey

erasmus turkey partnersLAPTh is partner in an  ERASMUS Intensive Programme whose project coordinator is METU (Middle East Technical University), Ankara, Turkey. The consortium organised the  International Summer School on High Energy Physics:”Standard Model and Beyond”  funded in part by the EU and the Turkish National Agency-Life Long Learning. Our first year doctoral students took part in the school which was held in Antalya from 28 August to 8 September 2012. See the site of the School for more details. 


Higgs Discovered at the LHC?

cms higgsjul04 2012On the 4th of July both of ATLAS and CMS, the two multi-purpose detectors at the LHC have announced that they have established, with a very high degree of confidence, the existence of a resonance at the LHC. This is most probably the long sought after Higgs. The physics of the Higgs is the topic of many researchers at LAPTh (See here a list of publications by LAPTh physicists with Higgs in the title..).

Read more: Higgs Discovered at the LHC?


Fawzi Boudjema in the magazine, La Recherche

fawzi recherche2012Fawzi Boudjema is interviewed in a special issue of the magazine La Recherche dated July/August 2012. The special issue is entitled the Physics of the 21st Century. The contribution of our colleague covered supersymmetry and the Higgs in particular in the context of the LHC. This was a well timed interview since the publication of the magazine coincided with the CERN annoucement that a new particle, most probably the missing Higgs, has been discovered.


Tools 2012 in Stockholm

image tools2012The latest session of Tools for the New Physics was held in Stockholm from 18 to 21 June 2012. It was hosted by the Oscar Klein Institute , Alba Nova. The aim of this series of workshops initiated by LAPTh (F. Boudjema)  is to review the main calculational tools for the New Physics.

Read more: Tools 2012 in Stockholm


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