![]() EnigmassLaboratoires d'Excellence Latest Publications
LAPTh, an overviewLAPTh is a mixed research unit (UMR 5108) of the CNRS
NewsAnonio Pich Lectures : Naturalness and LHC Run 2As part of the ENIGMASS lecture series, Antonio Pich (University of Valencia, Spain) delivered a series of lectures on 12/13 November (2014) entitled " Probing Naturalness and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking at LHC run-2. Three lectures of 1h30 each were given, each lecture was followed by a debate and exchange with the audience. The target audience were staff physicists, post-docs and PhD students. For more details about the events see here. In Pour La Science, Supernovae and Neutrinos
Neutrinos (and their antiparticles, antineutrinos) are copiously produced in numerous particle physics processes at different depths in the core of collapsing stars (Supernovae). They also come in three varieties (or flavours), as defined by the process by which they were created. Raqis 2014Bringing together about 80 participants, the 6th edition of the international conference RAQIS (Recent Advances in Quantum Integrable Systems) was held from 1 to 5 September 2014 in Dijon (France). Co-organised by LAPTh and the University of Burgundy, it has become a major event for specialists in quantum integrable systems. Last meeting of the ANR programme 'DIADEMS', the conference was to hear about forty presentations covering the latest developments in the field from mathematical aspects to applications in string theory, statistical physics and condensed matter physics.
More informations here. higgstools2014LAPTh is a member of HiggsTools, an Initial Training Network (ITN) supported by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission. HiggsTools consists of 10 teams from 37 European Universities and Research Institutes, one International Organisation (CERN), and 4 partners from the private sector. LAPTh is the coordinator of the French participation. The programme covers the important physics of the Higgs and the concomitant topic of the nature of the electroweak symmetry breaking and what may lie beyond it. More info here. More Articles... |
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