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Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de
Physique Théorique


LAPTh, an overview

LAPTh is a mixed research unit (UMR 5108) of the CNRS lapth-lapp(within the Institute of Physics, INP) and the Université de Savoie. It is  located in Annecy-le-Vieux, 5km from the centre of Annecy and about 40km from CERN and Geneva.  The activities of LAPTh are centred around three main areas of research:

  • phenomenology of particle physics,
  • astroparticles and cosmology,
  • mathematical physics in particular field and string theory and  aspects of symmetry. 


Tools 2012 in Stockholm

image tools2012The latest session of Tools for the New Physics was held in Stockholm from 18 to 21 June 2012. It was hosted by the Oscar Klein Institute , Alba Nova. The aim of this series of workshops initiated by LAPTh (F. Boudjema)  is to review the main calculational tools for the New Physics.

Read more: Tools 2012 in Stockholm


Pierre Salati in Ciel et Espace magazine

pierre ciel mai2012Pierre Salati is interviewed in the May 2012 issue of the magazine Ciel et Espace. Pierre explains the importance of the different searches for Dark Matter. This topic makes it on the front cover of the magazine under the title: the UNIVERSE, why we should find Dark Matter.


A new ANR project lead by LAPTh is selected

anr logoA 4-year project submitted to the ANR (the French National Agency for Research) has been selected. Intitled DMAstroLHC, the  nature of Dark Matter from astroparticles to the LHC. The funding will allow to strenghten the collaboration between LAPP, LPSC and LAPTh physicists and bring in new blood through the hiring of post-docs.


Associated International Laboratory between France and Russia

drapeau-france-russieThe Franco-Russian LIA, Laboratoire International AssociéTools for Colliders and Astroparticle Physics has been set up. The coordinator is Geneviève Bélanger from LAPTh. The collaborations cover the development of codes and automatic tools for the calculation of observables within the Standard Model as well as for Models of New Physics.


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