![]() EnigmassLaboratoires d'Excellence Latest Publications
LAPTh, an overviewLAPTh is a mixed research unit (UMR 5108) of the CNRS
NewsRefined background calculations for AMS02The latest results from the AMS-02 experiment were announced in mid-April at CERN. These were the most precise measurements to date concerning the fluxes of protons, helium and the antiproton-to-proton ratio, extending at the same time the energy range of the PAMELA experiment. Most awaited were the results concerning the production of anti-matter, in particular the measurement of the anti-protons since the latter can be produced by the annihilation of Dark Matter particles which constitutes therefore a primary source. The conventional Standard Model production of anti-protons is through the collisions of high-energy cosmic rays with interstellar matter. This mechanism is therefore a secondary production mechanism that constitutes an important background to the signal of new physics through Dark Matter detection. Previous estimates of this background predicted a steep decrease at high energy (hundreds of GeV) of the antiproton-to-proton ratio. The UGA Idex project pre-selected
Université de l’innovation An important hurdle has been crossed on the way to achieve the goal of establishing the UGA, Université Grenoble Alpes, as a world class research and innovation university. The UGA is a conglomerate of universities and research institutions with a multi-disciplinary training programme in Grenoble and in the Alps region. The French Ministry of Education and Research has announced that the Idex (Excellence Initiative) pre-project of UGA is one out of three pre-projects that has been selected among 7 other applications. This paves the way to the submission of the full project which will be reviewed by an international panel whose results will be made public in January 2016. In case of success this date will mark a new beginning for the new institution and will be a major boon for all the laboratories involved. For LAPTh this will reinforce our contribution to the Excellence Laboratory Initiative (Labex) Enigmass and build upon our efforts in building a strong collaboration with the Grenoble laboratories. More details on the UGA Idex project can be found here (in French). The project stands on excellent scientific foundations. For example, 1 out of 5 inhabitants in the Grenoble Alpes region are, in one way or the other, involved with research and innovation, see this short clip . Lectures on Amplitudes and SymbolsWith the advent of the LHC and the need for ever increasing accuracy, techniques in loops calculations have witnessed tremendous progress borrowing from highly complex mathematical structures and improving and adapting these structures. A very recent development concerns the use of symbols. Giorgios Papathanasiou will introduce some of these concepts starting from an elementary exposition of how these objects appear from the integrals one encounters in the evaluation of scattering amplitudes beyond tree-level. There will be 4 lectures: 1: Analytic structure of scattering amplitudes and Feynman integrals. Algebraic and transcendental functions. Classical polylogarithms. 2: Multiple polylogarithms (MPL): Integral and Series representations. Shuffle and quasi-shuffle algebras. 3: The symbol map. Properties. Integrability condition. Application: Resolving identities among MPLs and simplifying expressions. 4: (Optional) Advanced topics: The Hopf algebra of MPLs and the coproduct. Bootstrapping amplitudes. Expanding the symbol. Graspa 2015Undergraduate Summer School in Particle and Astroparticle Physics of Annecy-le-Vieux, July 16-22 2015 The school Courses will be in English. No background knowledge on the topics covered beyond a popular science level is assumed. A strong background in Quantum Mechanics is expected, however.
A maximum of 30 students will be admitted. More Articles... |
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