PhysTeV 2019 Les Houches

This series of workshops, started 20 years ago, aims to bring together theorists and experimentalists working on the phenomenology of TeV colliders with an emphasis on the physics at the LHC. The highlight of the 2019 Les Houches Edition is to take full advantage of the data that has been collected at the LHC so far and prepare for the future runs. In the light of the LHC results, a reflection on the strategy in HEP and prospects from future facilities (at high and low energy) should be conducted. The Workshop will address issues such as how to best exploit these data as well as how to prepare for future LHC data, and what is most desirable in LHC upgrades. These activities will be conducted in close connection with the development and improvements of related theory tools, in particular of Monte-Carlo event generators. The role of machine learning and artificial intelligence will be part of these new development. The Workshop runs over one year, including two meetings in Les Houches in the month of June, and exchanges and collaborations before and after the meetings. The meetings in Les Houches will consist of two sessions:
Session I: 10-19 June 2019 with emphasis on SM-related issues.
Session II: 19-28 June 2019 with emphasis on New-Physics searches
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