A course on cosmology by Wessel Valkenburg

Starting Monday 20 January Wessel Valkenburg (Lorentz Institute, Leiden Univ., NL) will give a series of 5 lectures on cosmology. The lectures require no prior knowledge of the subject and is addressed to both theorists and experimentalists, physics PhD students and researchers alike.
The 5 lectures Introduction to Cosmology cover
1) The universe today: overview of current understanding, based on Planck, WMAP, SDSS, an many more.
2) Cosmic microwave background as the Planck satellite sees it: from radio signals to spectra of perturbations (and back), and the importance of spectra.
3) Large scale structure from BOSS, CFHTLens, LSST, Euclid: from angles and redshifts to spectra of perturbations (and back), and a bit on the importance of spectra.
4) Inflation: probing high-energy physics with BICEP2, Planck, and others.
5) What are the most important pitfalls for cosmologists? Confirmation bias, believe vs pragmatic testing, etc. Where is the Nobel prize hiding?
For more information see the LAPTh indico : https://indico.in2p3.fr/category/365/
The (6) videos of the lectures can be found on the LAPTh Youtube Channel
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