![]() InformationsTéléphone: +33 (0)4 50 09 + numero de poste Paul Sorba![]()
My interests are usually concentrated on: - Field theory and Non Equilibrium Quantum Systems: Started more than ten years ago, our algebraic / field theoretical approach of Quantum Wires (J. Stat.Mec.0407(2004) P001; Proc.Symp.Pure Math. 77(2008) 639) led us rather naturally to consider in detail Non Equilibrium Quantum Systems with thermal reservoirs at the edge of the network. A summary of our work- still in progress- is the following: - an explicit construction in field theory of Non Equilibrium Steady States (or NESS); - a study of microscopic features of quantum transport, energy transmutation, quantum noise effects and more generally current cumulants and entropy production. Most of our results are published in J.Phys.A: Math. Theor. with arXiv references: 1210.5409;1409.2994; 1502.05234; 1601.01819; 1609.05427 ; in Phys.Rev E with arXiv ref. 1706.00561 ; and Annalen der Physik with arXiv ref. 1609.05427; 1805.07087; 2005.13323. Main collaborator : M. Mintchev (Pisa, Italy). - Biophysics: We developed new applications of our model for the Genetic Code, denoted « Crystal Basis Model », first introduced in Phys.Lett.A 250 (1998) 214, in which the codons appear as composite states of the four nucleotids, themselves classified in representations of the quantum group Uq (Sl(2)+Sl2)) in the limit q=0. More recently, we constructed a codon-anticodon interaction and impose to it a minimum principle to determine the effective anti-codons in the translation-transcription process, the codon bias and also the genetic code evolution. These results can be found in BioSystems 107(2012) 113; 111 (2103) 175; 141 (2016) 20; 235 (2024)105102. A detailed (and pedagogical) review, presented in several meetings is the one: « « Symmetry and Minimum Principle at the basis of the Genetic Code » arXiv : 1704.00940, published in Proceedings of BIOMAT International Symposium 2016, Tianjin, China. Main collaborator : A. Sciarrino (Napoli, Italy). - Multiquark states: My interests in multiquark states started a long time ago, with our observation and hidden colour in such states ( Lett.Nuovo Cim. 20(1977) 435) and our first paper on pentaquarks – we called them ‘’mesobaryonium’’ (Nucl.Phys. B145(1978) 119). Our recent study deals with 2 quark-2 antiquark states with hidden beauty (Phys. Lett. B732 (2014) 97) and a search for doubly heavy dibaryons in a quark model (Phys.Rev. D94 (2016) 034038). After the discovery of the LHCb discovery of pentaquark states (Phys.Rev.Lett. 115, 072001 (2015)), I have been asked to deliver courses, in particular the one entitled « From Quark to Multiquark : Algebraic aspects and Physics » provided at the Tbilissi Summer School (Georgia, 2017). Main collaborator : H. Högasen (Oslo, Norway). Miscellaneous : I am still very much open to any problem concerning Symmetries in Physics, providing regularly lessons on Group Theory for Physicists, as well as « grand public » conferences on Particle Physics, the title of the last recent one being : « Physique des Particules : le Grand Ecart ? ». |
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