
Björn Herrmann

Maître de Conférences

LAPTh Annecy

Université Savoie Mont Blanc

I am a Maître de Conférences (lecturer) in physics at Université Savoie Mont Blanc in the French Alps. Since July 2024, I am the director of Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique Théorique (LAPTh), where I carry out research in theoretical particle physics. My teaching activities concern the Mesures physiques department of the Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT) d’Annecy as well as the Master programme Physique Subatomique et Cosmologie of Université Savoie Mont Blanc and Université Grenoble Alpes.

My research activities cover phenomenology beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. More precisely, I am working on collider, flavour, and dark matter aspects of new physics models, with particular focus on the interplay of these topics. I am also interested in precision calculations and computational techniques such as machine-learning. I am founding member of the DM@NLO collaboration aiming at more precise predictions related to dark matter calculations.

I am involved in the scientific management of IRN Terascale (working group Beyond Standard Model and scientific management committee), GDR Intensity Frontier (scientific management committee), and GDR Deep Underground Physics (working group Future Experiments). I am also member of the organisation commitee of the annual French school École de Gif and the recruitment advisory board (Section 29) within Université Savoie Mont Blanc.

In my free time, I enjoy sports, travelling, photography, and cooking.


  • Physics beyond the Standard Model
  • Flavour violation
  • Dark matter
  • Collider signatures
  • Grand Unification
  • Precision calculation
  • Computational methods


  • Habilitation (Habilitation à Diriger la Recherche)

    Univ. Grenoble Alpes (2019)

  • Ph.D. Theoretical Physics

    Univ. Joseph Fourier Grenoble (2008)

  • Master Physique Subatomique et Astroparticules

    Univ. Joseph Fourier Grenoble (2005)

Scientific career

See CV for more details


Maître de Conférences (lecturer)

Université Savoie Mont Blanc

Sep 2011 – Present Annecy, France
Research at Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique Théorique (LAPTh)
Teaching at the Mesures Physiques department of IUT Annecy
Various local and national responsibilities (see CV for details)
Habilitation (Habilitation à diriger la recherche)

Young Investigator Group Leader

Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY)

Apr 2010 – Aug 2011 Hamburg, Germany
Hamburg excellence cluster Connecting particles to the cosmos

Post-doctoral researcher

Universität Würzburg

Oct 2008 – Mar 2010 Würzburg, Germany

Ph.D. thesis

Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble

Oct 2005 – Sep 2008 Grenoble, France


If you are interested in a Master thesis, PhD thesis, or any other type of research project or collaboration, please feel free to contact me. I will be happy to discuss opportunities!

Currently, I am supervising the following PhD and Bachelor or Master students:

  • Ugo de Noyers
    PhD thesis, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, October 2022 - September 2025.

Previously, I have supervised the following PhD theses:

Recent talks

The taste of SUSY... (s)quark flavour violation between TeV and GUT scale
Dark matter indirect detection limits from complete annihilation patterns
The Inert Doublet Model... beyond tree-level
Dark matter phenomenology in scotogenic models


My teaching activities mainly concern the Mesures Physiques department of Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT) Annecy within Université Savoie Mont Blanc. In addition to the courses listed below, I am currently director of studies for the department’s second-year students.

  • Mathématiques 1 – Outils mathématiques
    Introductory mathematics course for students in their first semester of the Mesures Physiques programme. I am in charge of the lecture, which is given in the form of short pedagogical videos.

  • Mathématiques 2 – Outils mathématiques
    Advanced mathematics for students in their second semester of the Mesures Physiques programme. I am in charge of the lecture and some of the exercise classes.

  • Statistique
    Short course on statistics for students in their third semester of the Mesures Physiques programme. I am in charge of the lecture.

  • Mathématiques 5 – Outils mathématiques avancés
    Advanced mathematics for students in their fifth semester of the Mesures Physiques programme. I am in charge of the lecture and some of the exercise classes.

  • Mathématiques 6 – Mathématiques pour ingénieurs
    Advanced mathematics for students in their sixth semester of the Mesures Physiques programme. This course is taught in a combined lecture and exercise class.

  • Radioactivité
    Introductory course to radioactivity and nuclear physics, especially industrial and medical applications, for students in their fifth semester of the Mesures Physiques programme. This course is taught in a combined lecture and exercise class.

Since 2021, I also lecture within the Physique Subatomique et Cosmologie Master programme (joint between Université Grenoble Alpes and Université Savoie Mont Blanc).


I generally enjoy participating in public outreach activities. For example, I regularly participate in our institute’s open days during the French Fête de la Science.

In 2018, I had the pleasure to participate in a Pint of Science event in Annecy.
