Installation  of  Micromegas_3.3 (MSSM, CPVMSSM, NMSSM, LHM, RHNM, IDM, Z3M, SM4 and Generic Models)

The compressed File micromegas_3.5.5.tgz is about 16Mb.   

micromegas_3.5.5 was tested for  Linux and Darwin.

First unpack the file, for example tar -zxvf micromegas_3.5.5.tgz

This will create a directory called micromegas_3.5.5

General Installation
In this directory you should first launch,

gmake  (If you do not have 'gmake'  use 'make' instead)

The command gmake should generate files with compilers flags and  compile 

Possible problems are discussed in
Section VI below.

 The MSSM (for a general description of all the features go here)
To work with the MSSM go to the  MSSM  directory.

To generate the executable use
gmake main=<source file>
where <source file> is either a  C or Fortran file, for example main.c or main.F


To launch the excutable main.c


./main input


Where input is either a set of input parameters r the name of a data file (for example mssm1.par) according to the option chosen in main.c. In both cases instructions are given on the screen.


The list of functions you can use in  your programs is described in  arXiv:1305.0237 [hep-ph]
arXiv:1004.1092 [hep-ph],  arXiv:0803.2360 [hep-ph],   hep-ph/0607059 and  hep-ph/0405253

Six other models are provided by the micrOMEGAs team for a seamless integration within  micrOMEGAs 3.2:

To generate the executable and launch the program, move to the appropriate directory and


gmake main=main.c

./main data1.par  (or any other input data file)
Other models
To implement a new model,  launch
    ./newProject  <project name>
 Then the directory <project name> will be created with all the needed subdirectories and  sample  files. Further instructions can be found in the local  README file.
To clean all generated files use
   launched from micromegas_3.2 directory. In each model directory you
   can call
     gmake clean
   to remove all generated files in this particular directory.

Compilers and  their Flags

The   CalcHEP_src/FlagsForMake and CalcHEP_src/FlagsForSh contain options for compilation and should contain identical settings  in different formats. These files initiated by the getFlags command launched from  the  CalcHEP_src  directory.
If FlagsForSh does not exist, getFlags creates it according to the operation system name returned by the 'uname' Unix command.
If FlagsForSh exists, getFlags reads all parameters  from this  file, checks and  modifies them if it needs, and writes down new FlagsForSh and FlagsForMake. It also informs you in case of problem.
In case of problem the user can change compiler flags  written in  FlagsForSh and launch getFlags  again until  FlagsForMake is generated without any error code. The meaning of all flags is explained in the FlagsForSh file. For example you might have to change the name of the Fortran compiler (set by default to g77).