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cpvdibosons [2018/02/28 06:52]
adam.falkowski created
cpvdibosons [2018/03/14 11:15] (current)
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-Contributors:​ Rafiqul Rahaman, Ritesh Singh, Adam Falkowski, ​..., (add your name), ...+** CP violating dibosons **  
 +The goal is to study sensitivity of the LHC to CP violating dimension-6 operators in the diboson (WZ, WW, WH, ZH) final states  
 +Contributors:​ Rafiqul Rahaman, Ritesh Singh, Adam Falkowski, ​rohini godbole(add your name), ... 
 +Spin variables: ​ http://​​abs/​arXiv:​1604.06677,​ http://​​abs/​arXiv:​1508.04592 ,   ​http://​​abs/​hep-ex/​0009022,​ http://​​abs/​arXiv:​0903.4705 . 
 +ILC analysis: http://​​abs/​arXiv:​1711.04551 
cpvdibosons.1519797166.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/28 06:52 by adam.falkowski