It is important that you acknowledge the support of the LIA and CEFIPRA in your publications related to the project. The acknowledgement can read:
A.B and X.Y would like to acknowledge the support of the CNRS LIA (Laboratoire International Associé) THEP (Theoretical High Energy Physics) and the INFRE-HEPNET (IndoFrench Network on High Energy Physics) of CEFIPRA/IFCPAR (Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research).
Authors | Title | arXiv/download | Journal | Laboratories |
Arbey,Ellis,Godbole,Mahmoudi | Exploring CP Violation in the MSSM | 1410.4824 | Eur.Phys.J. C 75 (2015) no.2, 85 | IPNL, IISc |
Boudjema,Godbole,Guadagnoli, Mohan | Lab-frame observables for probing the top-Higgs interaction | 1501.03157 | Phys. Rev, D92(1):015019, 2015 | LAPTh, IISc |
Belanger,Ghosh,Godbole, Kulkarni | Light stop in the MSSM after LHC Run 1 | 1506.00665 | JHEP 1509 (2015) 214 | LAPTh, IISc |
Bhalerao, Ollitrault, Pal,Teaney | Principal component analysis of event-by-event fluctuations | 1410.7739 | Phys. Rev. Lett., 114(15):152301, 2015 | IPhT, TIFR |
Bhalerao, Ollitrault, Pal | Characterizing flow fluctuations with moments | 1411.5160 | Phys.Lett. B742:94–98, 2015 | IPhT, TIFR |
Authors | Title | arXiv/download | Journal | Laboratories |
Iyer,Mahmoudi,Manglani,Sridhar | Kaluza–Klein gluon + jets associated production at the Large Hadron Collider | 1601.02033 | Phys.Lett.B 759 (2016) 342 | IPNL, TIFR |
Banerjee, Bhattacherjee, Mitra, Spannowsky | The Lepton Flavour Violating Higgs Decays at the HL-LHC and the ILC | 1603.05952 | JHEP, 1607 (2016) 059 | IISc, LAPTh |
Banerjee, Matsumoto, Mukaida, Tsai | WIMP Dark Matter in a Well-Tempered Regime: A case study on Singlet-Doublets Fermionic WIMP | 1603.07387 | JHEP, 1611 (2016) 070 | LAPTh |
Banerjee, Bélanger, Mukhopadhyaya, Serpico | Signatures of sneutrino dark matter in an extension of the CMSSM | 1603.08834 | JHEP, 1607 (2016) 095 | HRI, LAPTh |
Banerjee, Barducci, Bélanger, Delaunay | Implications of a High-Mass Diphoton Resonance for Heavy Quark Searches | 1606.09013 | JHEP, 1611 (2016) 154 | LAPTh |
Mahmoudi,Maitra,Manglani,Sridhar | A Higgs in the Warped Bulk and LHC signals | 1608.07407 | JHEP, 1611 (2016) 075 | IPNL, TIFR |
Banerjee, Batell, Spannowsky | Invisible Decays in Higgs Pair Production | 1608.08601 | Phys. Rev, D95(3):035009, 2017 | LAPTh |
Banerjee, Chakrabarty | A revisit to scalar dark matter with radiative corrections | 1612.01973 | Note | HRI, LAPTh |
Authors | Title | arXiv/download | Journal | Laboratories |
Barman, Bélanger, Bhattacherjee, Godbole, Mendiratta, Sengupta | The invisible decay of Higgs boson in the context of a thermal and non-thermal relic in MSSM | 1703.03838 | Phys. Rev, D95(9):095018 , 2017 | IISc, LAPTh |
JP Blaizot, Li Yan | Onset of hydrodynamics for a quark-gluon plasma from the evolution of moments of distribution functions | 1703.10694 | 10.1007/ JHEP11 (2017) 161 | IPhT, Saclay |
Banerjee, Barducci, Bélanger, Fuks, Goudelis, Zaldivar | Cornering pseudoscalar-mediated dark matter with the LHC and cosmology | 1705.02327 | 10.1007/JHEP07 (2017) 080 | LAPTh, LPTHE |
Banerjee,Bélanger, Bhattacherjee, Boudjema,Godbole,Mukherjee | Novel signatures for long-lived particles at the LHC | 1706.07407 | Phys. Rev. D. in Press | LAPTh, IISc |
Amit Adhikary, Shankha Banerjee, Rahool Kumar Barman, Biplob Bhattacherjee, Saurabh Niyogi | Revisiting the non-resonant Higgs pair production at the HL-LHC | 1712.05346 | JHEP 1807 (2018) 116 | LAPTh, IISc |
CMS Collaboration | Search for new resonances in the diphoton final state in the mass range between 70 and 110 GeV in pp collisions at √s= 8 and 13 TeV | CMS-PAS-HIG-17-013 | IPNLyon, SINP Kolkata | |
Mahmoudi, F. and Manglani, N. and Sridhar, K. | The bulk Higgs in the Deformed RS Model | 1712.04966 | Phys.Lett. B784 (2018) 330-335 | TIFR Mumbai, IPNLyon |
Chattopadhyay, Chandrodoy and Bhalerao, Rajeev S. and Ollitrault, Jean-Yves and Pal, Subrata | Effects of initial-state dynamics on collective flow within a coupled transport and viscous hydrodynamic approach | 1710.03050 | Phys. Rev. C 97, 034915 (2018) | TIFR Mumbai, IISER Pune, IphT Saclay |
Deandrea, Iyer | Vector-like quarks and heavy coloured bosons at the LHC | 1710.01515 | Phys.Rev. D97 (2018) no.5, 055002 | IPNLyon, TIFR Mumbai |
Banerjee A, Bhattacharyya G, Ray TS | Improving Fine-tuning in Composite Higgs Models | 1703.08011 | Phys.Rev. D96 (2017) no.3, 035040 | SINP, Kolkata |
Authors | Title | arXiv/download | Journal | Laboratories |
Banerjee, Englert, Mangano, Selvaggi, Spannowsky | hh+jet production at 100 TeV | 1802.01607 | Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78: 322 | LAPTh |
Dutta, Kraml, Lessa, Waltenberger | SModelS extension with the CMS supersymmetry search results from Run 2 | 1803.02204 | LHEP01 (2018) 05 | HRI, LPSC |
Cacciapaglia, Deandrea, Gaur, Harada, Okada and Panizzi | The LHC potential of Vector-like quark doublets | 1806.01024 | IPNLyon, Delhi U., KEK, INFN Pisa, Zhejiang U. | |
Bhalerao, Giacalone, Ollitrault | Kurtosis of elliptic flow fluctuations | 1811.00837 | Phys.Rev. C99 (2019) 014907 | IISER Pune, IPhT Saclay |
Ambrogi et al. (incl. Dutta, Kraml) | SModelS v1.2: long-lived particles, combination of signal regions, and other novelties | 1811.10624 | target journal: Comput. Phys. Comm. | HRI, LPSC |
Authors | Title | arXiv/download | Journal | Laboratories |
Bhalerao, Giacalone, Guerrero-Rodríguez, Luzum, Marquet, Ollitrault | Relating eccentricity fluctuations to density fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions | 1903.06366 | IISER Pune, IPhT Saclay | |
Bhalerao, Giacalone, Ollitrault | Primordial non-Gaussianity in heavy-ion collisions | 1904.10350 | IISER Pune, IPhT Saclay |