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It is important that you acknowledge the support of the LIA and CEFIPRA in your publications related to the project. The acknowledgement can read:

A.B and X.Y would like to acknowledge the support of the CNRS LIA (Laboratoire International Associé) THEP (Theoretical High Energy Physics) and the INFRE-HEPNET (IndoFrench Network on High Energy Physics) of CEFIPRA/IFCPAR (Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research).


Authors Title arXiv/download Journal Laboratories
Arbey,Ellis,Godbole,MahmoudiExploring CP Violation in the MSSM1410.4824Eur.Phys.J. C 75 (2015) no.2, 85 IPNL, IISc
Boudjema,Godbole,Guadagnoli, Mohan Lab-frame observables for probing the top-Higgs interaction1501.03157Phys. Rev, D92(1):015019, 2015 LAPTh, IISc
Belanger,Ghosh,Godbole, KulkarniLight stop in the MSSM after LHC Run 11506.00665JHEP 1509 (2015) 214LAPTh, IISc
Bhalerao, Ollitrault, Pal,TeaneyPrincipal component analysis of event-by-event fluctuations1410.7739Phys. Rev. Lett., 114(15):152301, 2015 IPhT, TIFR
Bhalerao, Ollitrault, PalCharacterizing flow fluctuations with moments1411.5160Phys.Lett. B742:94–98, 2015 IPhT, TIFR


Authors Title arXiv/download Journal Laboratories
Iyer,Mahmoudi,Manglani,SridharKaluza–Klein gluon + jets associated production at the Large Hadron Collider1601.02033Phys.Lett.B 759 (2016) 342 IPNL, TIFR
Banerjee, Bhattacherjee, Mitra, SpannowskyThe Lepton Flavour Violating Higgs Decays at the HL-LHC and the ILC1603.05952JHEP, 1607 (2016) 059 IISc, LAPTh
Banerjee, Matsumoto, Mukaida, TsaiWIMP Dark Matter in a Well-Tempered Regime: A case study on Singlet-Doublets Fermionic WIMP1603.07387JHEP, 1611 (2016) 070 LAPTh
Banerjee, Bélanger, Mukhopadhyaya, SerpicoSignatures of sneutrino dark matter in an extension of the CMSSM1603.08834JHEP, 1607 (2016) 095 HRI, LAPTh
Banerjee, Barducci, Bélanger, DelaunayImplications of a High-Mass Diphoton Resonance for Heavy Quark Searches1606.09013JHEP, 1611 (2016) 154 LAPTh
Mahmoudi,Maitra,Manglani,SridharA Higgs in the Warped Bulk and LHC signals1608.07407JHEP, 1611 (2016) 075 IPNL, TIFR
Banerjee, Batell, SpannowskyInvisible Decays in Higgs Pair Production1608.08601Phys. Rev, D95(3):035009, 2017 LAPTh
Banerjee, ChakrabartyA revisit to scalar dark matter with radiative corrections1612.01973 Note HRI, LAPTh


Authors Title arXiv/download Journal Laboratories
Barman, Bélanger, Bhattacherjee, Godbole, Mendiratta, SenguptaThe invisible decay of Higgs boson in the context of a thermal and non-thermal relic in MSSM1703.03838Phys. Rev, D95(9):095018 , 2017 IISc, LAPTh
JP Blaizot, Li YanOnset of hydrodynamics for a quark-gluon plasma from the evolution of moments of distribution functions1703.10694 10.1007/ JHEP11 (2017) 161 IPhT, Saclay
Banerjee, Barducci, Bélanger, Fuks, Goudelis, ZaldivarCornering pseudoscalar-mediated dark matter with the LHC and cosmology1705.0232710.1007/JHEP07 (2017) 080 LAPTh, LPTHE
Banerjee,Bélanger, Bhattacherjee, Boudjema,Godbole,MukherjeeNovel signatures for long-lived particles at the LHC1706.07407 Phys. Rev. D. in PressLAPTh, IISc
Amit Adhikary, Shankha Banerjee, Rahool Kumar Barman, Biplob Bhattacherjee, Saurabh NiyogiRevisiting the non-resonant Higgs pair production at the HL-LHC1712.05346 JHEP 1807 (2018) 116LAPTh, IISc
CMS CollaborationSearch for new resonances in the diphoton final state in the mass range between 70 and 110 GeV in pp collisions at s= 8 and 13 TeVCMS-PAS-HIG-17-013 IPNLyon, SINP Kolkata
Mahmoudi, F. and Manglani, N. and Sridhar, K.The bulk Higgs in the Deformed RS Model1712.04966 Phys.Lett. B784 (2018) 330-335 TIFR Mumbai, IPNLyon
Chattopadhyay, Chandrodoy and Bhalerao, Rajeev S. and Ollitrault, Jean-Yves and Pal, SubrataEffects of initial-state dynamics on collective flow within a coupled transport and viscous hydrodynamic approach1710.03050Phys. Rev. C 97, 034915 (2018)TIFR Mumbai, IISER Pune, IphT Saclay
Deandrea, IyerVector-like quarks and heavy coloured bosons at the LHC1710.01515 Phys.Rev. D97 (2018) no.5, 055002IPNLyon, TIFR Mumbai
Banerjee A, Bhattacharyya G, Ray TSImproving Fine-tuning in Composite Higgs Models1703.08011Phys.Rev. D96 (2017) no.3, 035040SINP, Kolkata

2018 (we are in the process of updating the list)

Authors Title arXiv/download Journal Laboratories
Banerjee, Englert, Mangano, Selvaggi, Spannowskyhh+jet production at 100 TeV1802.01607Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78: 322LAPTh
Dutta, Kraml, Lessa, WaltenbergerSModelS extension with the CMS supersymmetry search results from Run 21803.02204LHEP01 (2018) 05 HRI, LPSC
Cacciapaglia, Deandrea, Gaur, Harada, Okada and PanizziThe LHC potential of Vector-like quark doublets1806.01024 IPNLyon, Delhi U., KEK, INFN Pisa, Zhejiang U.
Bhalerao, Giacalone, OllitraultKurtosis of elliptic flow fluctuations1811.00837Phys.Rev. C99 (2019) 014907IISER Pune, IPhT Saclay
Ambrogi et al. (incl. Dutta, Kraml)SModelS v1.2: long-lived particles, combination of signal regions, and other novelties1811.10624 target journal: Comput. Phys. Comm. HRI, LPSC


Authors Title arXiv/download Journal Laboratories
Bhalerao, Giacalone, Guerrero-Rodríguez, Luzum, Marquet, OllitraultRelating eccentricity fluctuations to density fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions1903.06366 IISER Pune, IPhT Saclay
Bhalerao, Giacalone, OllitraultPrimordial non-Gaussianity in heavy-ion collisions1904.10350 IISER Pune, IPhT Saclay