__Deadline for the Second Call of 2018__: **25 July 2018** ==== Calls and Application for Funds ==== Requests for funds are essentially meant to cover (fully or partially) visits to a host institute which is a member of the Network. The primary purpose of the visit is to carry work within the programme of the Network. ==== Application Form for Visits ==== * If you are visiting a partner laboratory, it is assumed that you have already agreed with your host on the dates of the visit(s) and informed your node's coordinator before sending your application. * Apply before the deadline of the call and if you need a visa it is highly recommended that you apply at least two months prior to the visit. * The application is reviewed shortly after the deadline of the call by the board of the LIA THEP (CNRS) and INFRE HEPNET (CEFIPRA) * We will notify each applicant. If the application is successful and the visit approved we will indicate to the applicant whether the visit will be covered through LIA (CNRS) or through CEFIPRA. * If it is through CEFIPRA a notification will be sent to the CEFIPRA office in Delhi. CEFIPRA office in Delhi will be in charge of purchasing the plane ticket * If it is through CNRS, you will be put in contact with the administrative/finance officer of the host laboratory in France (if travelling from India) or the administrative officer of your laboratory (for French researchers). The administrative officer will initiate the mission. Send the application to: [[ifthep@lapth.cnrs.fr]] with a copy to the host. Do not send to a particular coordinator (Fawzi, Rohini or Sudhir !). ** Please name your file Firstname-Surname-2-2018**. In the subject of the e-mail write **LIA-CEFIPRA-ApplicationS2-2018 YourName**. **Download the application form** * {{:internaldocs:application_for_visits_lia_cefipra.docx|Word format/.docx}} * {{:internaldocs:application_for_visits_lia_cefipra.odt|OpenOffice format/.odt}} * {{:internaldocs:application_for_visits_lia_cefipra.pdf|PDF format/.pdf}} ==== Warning ==== The funds that are allocated by the CNRS and CEFIPRA are for the **sole purpose** of covering scientific visits (travel and local cost) to the host institute(s) which must be a partner of the LIA and the INFRE HEPNET (CEFIPRA). We can not use the funds for attending conferences and workshops, in France, India or elsewhere, apart from the annual meeting of the consortium for which there is a specific (small) budget. Visits to the host institution should not be shorter than 2 weeks. We, however, encourage members of the Network to plan their visits to the host laboratory in combination with some conference or workshop in France or India as well as visits to other institutes, before or after the **work visit**. ==== Warning 2 ==== * The fare for a return plane ticket to France or to India can not exceed **1000euro/70 000INR**. * If your host in India is not fully covering your local expenses, reimbursement is on the basis of **50euro/day** for a visit to India. This was clearly stated in our proposal. * For visits to India, CEFIPRA can arrange for a visa that will be processed //gratis// in the Indian Consulate in __Paris__. This is particularly advantageous for those living in the Paris region. * For visas for France, __processing__ the visa may be //gratis// through a //convention d'accueil//. But this procedure needs to be initiated by your host, allow therefore a 2-month notice. In any case, if your visit is approved under CEFIPRA, it is CEFIPRA in Delhi which will be in charge of purchasing the ticket, arrange to cover the expenses and transfer funds, make arrangements for the visa. Please contact CEFIPRA as soon as your travel plan is set and please do so, ideally, 2 months prior to the visit. You may contact CEFIPRA offices, * **A.Sathidevi**, Scientific Officer, Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research-CEFIPRA5B, Ground Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003. Landline: +91 11- 2468- 2251/2468 -2252. Website: www.cefipra.org email: sathidevi@CEFIPRA.ORG