Family Name | First Name | Institution |
Archontis | Georgios | University of Cyprus |
Bayoumy | Magdy | Ministry of health, Egypt |
Becker | Florent | Université d'Orléans |
Beslon | Guillaume | INSA-Lyon/IXXI |
Bosia | Carla | Department of theoretical physics, University of Torino |
Briand | Philippe | UNIVERSITÉ DE SAVOIE |
Carbone | Alessandra | Universite Pierre et Marie Curie |
Carrivain | Pascal | LPTMC |
Champion | Thierry | Institut de Recherche Pierre Fabre |
Chiappori | Federica | Institute of Biomedical Technologies - CNR |
Curuksu | Jeremy | Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, EPFL |
Dib | Linda | CNRS-UPMC |
Dragovich | Branko | Institute of Physics |
Dragovich | Alexandra | Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Acad. Sciences |
Drillon | Guénola | FRE3214 UPMC-CNRS “Génomique des Microorganismes” |
El baroudi | Mariama | Department of Theoretical Physics University of Torino |
Feverati | Giovanni | LAPTH |
Fischer | Stephan | LIRIS - INSA de Lyon |
Galal | Gehan | Egyblood, Vacsera |
Grossmann | Alex | Laboratoire statistique et genome, Evry |
Hu | Shuangwei | LMPT, Université de Tours, France |
James | Guillaume | Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, université de Grenoble and CNRS |
Junier | Ivan | Institut des systèmes complexes |
Kneller | Gerald | Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire, CNRS |
Krokhotin | Andrey | Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University |
Laine | Elodie | LBPA, CNRS- ENS de Cachan |
Lavery | Richard | Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Protéines |
Lesieur | Claire | CNRS, LAPTH |
Luccioli | Stefano | Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche |
Lundgren | Martin | Uppsala University |
Luu | Tien dao | Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology |
Martin | Juliette | Institue de Biologie et de Chimie des Protéines UMR5086 CNRS/Université Lyon 1 |
Meriot | Sébastien | LIRIS - INSA Lyon |
Molino | François | IGF |
Molkenthin | Nora | l'Université de Tours |
Musso | Fabio | Universidad de Burgos |
Niemi | Antti | CNRS |
Osella | Matteo | University of Torino, Dep of Theoretical Physics |
Pardoux | Etienne | LATP, Univ. de Provence |
Parsons | David | INSA de Lyon |
Peng | Xubiao | Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University |
Plucain | Jessica | Institut Jean Roget |
Rakic | Zoran | Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade |
Ritort | Felix | University of Barcelona |
Rouault | Hervé | Institut Pasteur |
Schneider | Dominique | Laboratoire Adaptation et Pathogénie des Microorganismes |
Sciarrino | Antonino | Università di Napoli "Federico II" |
Sorba | Paul | LAPTH |
Tchertanov | Luba | LBPA-CNRS, ENS de Cachan |
Teichmann | Sarah | MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology |
Theyssier | Guillaume | LAMA |
Verkindt | Didier | LAPP, CNRS, Universite de Savoie |
Vuillon | Laurent | Université de Savoie |
Wade | Rebecca | Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) |
Number of participants: 55