LAPTH en Bus d'Annecy Centre ou de Genève |
Annecy Centre Ville / Town
Centre --->LAPTH
Le plan du centre d'Annecy
indique la position des hôtels recommandés en centre ville.
Les carrés bleus sont
numérotés suivant la liste des hôtels.
Pour atteindre le LAPTH depuis le centre ville, si vous n'êtes pas en voiture, vous devez prendre un bus. Prenez le bus No 4 (direction "Campus") ou le bus No 2 (direction "Campus" aussi) et descendez au terminus (Campus). Le trajet prend environ 20 mn. L'entrée des batiments du LAPP (dans lesquels se trouve le LAPTH) est située juste en face de l'arrêt (à l'opposé du rond-point). Les bus sont raisonnablement fréquents (un toutes les 15 mn environ). Le dernier bus quitte le Campus à 20h00. |
The map
for the City Centre indicates the location of the recommended
hotels in the town centre (blue squares
with numbers according to the list of hotels).
To reach LAPTH from the Town Centre, if you are not driving, you need to take a bus. Take the Bus No 4 or the Bus No 2 (both of them direction "Campus"), and get off at the last stop (Campus). The bus rides take about 20mins. The entrance of the LAPP building (where is located LAPTH) is just in front of the bus stop (opposite the roundabout). The bus service is rather frequent (every 15 mns approx.). The last bus starts at 20h00 from the Campus bus stop. |
Genève->Annecy Centre Ville/Town
For those reaching Annecy from Geneva, the most convenient means of transport (apart from taking a car) is to take the bus. Avoid taking the train! The bus departs from the Geneva Bus Terminal ( web site ) which is a few minutes from the Train Station (it is very close to the Main Post Office: click here for a Geneva map) . In Annecy, get off at the last stop: the Train Station (see Annecy map: Gare SNCF) |