The Predoctoral School of Physics brings together young beginners in scientific research for two weeks every September. The aim of the Predoctoral School is to help them acquire a broader base in physics and place their thesis work in proper context. It can also prepare them for a richer scientific career by avoiding too much specialisation too early.
This session XX of the Les Houches Predoctoral School - devoted to the dark matter problem and neutralinos - is intented to be international and will welcome PhD students from all over the world. Lectures will be given in english. The registration fees include lodging and meals. They amount to 450 euros for PhD students. Notice that a few fellowships will be granted to the best applications and will partially cover the registration fees. Young researchers having already defended their thesis will be accepted pending to availability since the attendance is limited to 50 participants. Their registrations fees will amount to 650 euros.
In order to apply to the school, download the application form and return it as soon as possible