Ephox is a program to calculate the photoproduction of
a photon plus a jet (or a hadron plus a jet) at NLO.
The switch for the production of a photon/hadron is done automatically
according to the choice of fragmentation functions for
photons/hadrons in the input.
Of course the program can also be used to calculate the single inclusive
cross sections photon/hadron + X.
The programs calculate the reactions
e hi -> gamma/hadron + jet, where
hi typically is a proton and
the flux of quasi-real photons emitted from the
electron is described by the Weizsäcker-Williams approximation.
A description of the program and results can be found in the papers
We would like to remark that the distributions for xobs
given in the reference for hadron+jet have been obtained with an
ancient version of the program where a (minor) bug has
been corrected meanwhile. The new result for dsigma/dxobs
corresponding to Fig.8 of hep-ph/0206202
can be found here.
The xLL distributions
are not affected at all.
Before you start using the program, please read the
Readme where
explanations about the installation and the use of the program are given.
The source code
provides a self-contained version of Ephox1.1.
bugfix October 2012: in jet_definition.f for acceptance 'up', and in
x4min_incl line 1252 of photpro_resoFR.f.
Thanks to Ian Skillicorn, Glasgow University
Please send any questions/comments to
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