Permanent researcher at CNRS
(LAPTH: Theoretical Physics, Annecy-le-Vieux France).
Cliquez sur le drapeau pour la version francaise.
- Address: LAPTH ,
9 Chemin de Bellevue, B.P. 110, Annecy-le-Vieux
F-74941 Annecy Cedex FRANCE
- Tel: +33 4 50 09 16 82
- E-mail:
Research Interests Include :
My list of publications can be found here
- Integrable systems
- Spin chains with or without boundary,
- Bethe anstaz (algebraic, coordinate, nested,...),
- Non-diagonal boundaries
- Scalar products of Bethe vectors
- Systems with defects, RT-algebras,
- Quantum graphs
- Integrability and SYM
- Quantum groups
- Yangians, super-Yangians, twisted Yangians,...
- Reflection algebras,
- Elliptic algebras,
- Quasi-Hopf structures, dynamical Drinfeld twists...
- Out-of-equilibrium systems
- Integrability in Statistical Physics
- Construction of Matrix ansatz solution
- Determination of integrable Markovian processes
- Previous works
- Nonlinear Schrodinger equation with 1+1 dimensions, ...
- Extended conformal algebras (W algebras and
superalgebras, finite W algebras).
- Gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten models and Toda theories.
Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (in french)
Click here (500 kb)
Structures algébriques dans les théories à deux dimensions
Conferences "grand public" (IN FRENCH)
Des atomes aux particules et au delà:
élémentaire, mon cher Watson!
Click here (on-line commented transparencies) or
here (powerpoint file: 630 Ko)
Grains d'onde: les deux visages de la lumière
Powerpoint file (.ppt: 5,2 Mo) or
Open office file (.odp: 5 Mo)
Un voyage dans l'espace et le temps
Powerpoint file (.ppt: 11.3 Mo) or
pdf file (1.5 Mo)
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