Micromegas v_4 for the calculation of e
Relic density
Direct detection rates
Indirect detection rates
Code to calculate the properties of one or two stable massive particles  in a generic model.  First developed to compute the relic density of a stable massive particle, the code also computes the rates for direct and  indirect detection rates of dark matter. It is assumed that a discrete symmetry like R-parity ensures the stability of the lightest odd particle. All annihilation and coannihilation channels are included in the computation of the relic density. Specific examples of this general approach include the MSSM and various extensions. Extensions to other models can be implemented by the user. The New Physics model first requires to write a new  CalcHEP model file,  a package for the automatic generation of squared matrix elements.  This can be done through LanHEP. Once this is done, all annihilation and coannihilation channels are included automatically in any model.
The cross-sections for both spin dependent and spin independent interactions of WIMPS on protons are computed automatically as well as the rates for WIMP scattering on nuclei in a large detector.
The neutrino flux and the induced muon flux from DM captured in the Sun and the Earth are also computed.
Annihilation cross-sections of the dark matter candidate at zero velocity, relevant for indirect detection of dark matter, are also computed automatically. The propagation of charged particles in the Galactic halo is handled with a new module.

The decay widths of all particles in the model as well as the cross-sections for production of any pair of new particles at colliders are also computed automatically.

This version of micrOMEGAs also computes the relic density of two stable massive particles as well as their direct and indirect detection rates. It is assumed that the model contains two dark sectors, each with different transformation properties under a discrete symmetry.

The package includes the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), the NMSSM, the UMSSM, the MSSM with complex phases (CPVMSSM), the little Higgs model (LHM), a model with right-handed neutrino DM (RHNM), the inert doublet model (IDM), a model with scalar DM and a Z3 discrete symmetry (Z3MH), a model with two doublets and a singlet and a Z4 symmetry (Z4ID) and a model with two singlets and a Z5 symmetry (Z5M).

Present version (October 2015) is micromegas 4.2.5


micromegas_4.2.5 (30/10/2015):

1) Routines for limits from IceCube22 are updated, see arXiv:1507.07987.

2) We fixed a bug for direct detection in case of two component DM.

3) In the interface with SModelS we now check the existence of a SM Higgs and pass this information to SModelS.

4) In CalcHEP we have improved the routine which defines the electric charge of particles.

micromegas_4.2.3 (05/10/2015):

1) CalcHEP has been upgraded to version 3.6.26. It allows parallel calculations for Monte Carlo integration and for generation of matrix elements.

2) The neutrino module is updated, it includes recently obtained neutrino spectra for DM annihilation in the Sun, WimpSim and PPPC4DM. Moreover functions to compare the predicted neutrino flux from DM captured in the Sun with the data of IceCube and to calculate an exclusion level are available.

3) Loop corrections for direct detection of vector and scalar DM as computed in arXiv:1012.5455 and arXiv:1502.02244 are implemented.

4) A new model is available (UMSSM).

micromegas_4.1.7 (19/02/2015):

1) Improvement of the numerical routine for stiff equations from Numerical Recipes.

2) Removed a bug that led to segmentation fault on MAC when calculating the gamma-ray line in NMSSM and Z3 models.

3) Fixed a bug in gammaFluxTabGC (this function returns zero in 4.1.5).

4) Fixed a bug in the summation of the contributions of two DM components for direct and indirect detection.

5) Removed a bug that led to segmentation fault for calculation of Omega in Z5M model.

micromegas_4.1.5 (05/01/2015):

1) Modification of CalHEP including a) unpdate of batch routines b) the keys ^+ and ^- allow to change the size of window c) generated events can be read by Pythia-8 d) Recently implemented LanHEP trick for generation of effective vertices is supported.

2) slhaDecayPrint has new argument which allows to decay virtual W/Z.

3) Bug removed in slhaPlus for negative PDG numbers. It appeared when in the slha file a decay was defined for a negative PDG or when trying to get width/branching.

4) In the CPVMSSM, the coupling Am is now passed to CPsuperH.

5) Bug removed in lib/hbBlocks.c files for IDM, LHM, MSSM, Z3MH, SM loop-induced Higgs couplings are no longer evaluated in models files but with a universal procedure lGGhSM(Mh,aQCD, Mcp, Mbp,Mtp,vev); lGGhSM(Mh,aQCD, Mcp, Mbp,Mtp,vev)

6) For direct/indirect detection in models with 2DM components, we fixed a bug in defining the fraction of each DM component.

7) Codes of HIGGSBOUNDS/SIGNALS are not included anymore in micrOMEGAs distribution.

micromegas_4.1.4 (12/12/2014):

1) Bug fixed in computation of 3-body decay rates when running micromegas in a cycle, thanks to Jonathan Da Silva and Ursula Laa.

micromegas_4.1.3 (5/12/2014):

1) All features of micromegas_3.6.9 were merged with those of micromegas_4.1 so that the new code can treat both one and two dark matter candidates.

2) Bug fixed in displaying individual channel contributions to sigma_v in micromegas_4.1, the total cross section was correct.

3) Modification of the hCollider function, possibility to define a) renormalization and factorization scales b) option to include jet with minimal value for transverse c) option to restrict the number of quarks taken into account ( both for incoming/outgoing particles), see the manual.

4) New function vSigmaCC(T,cc) to calculate the thermally average sigma_v for both 2->2 and 2-> 3 process. new arguments to define the scale, see the manual

micromegas_3.6.9.2 (14/05/2014):

1) Compilation problem fixed

micromegas_3.6.9 (27/04/2014):

1) The model files for Z3MH were modified to agree with the notation in http://arxiv.org/abs/arXiv:1403.4960 : the masses of the non standard Higgses are used as input parameters and the mixing angle between the dark Higgses is redefined.

2) Sign corrected in the HGG effective vertices for all models (no incidence on the partial widths).

micromegas_3.6.8 (07/04/2014):

1) The SLHAplus package contains both C and Fortran code (for users who prefer to write main programs in Fortran). Unfortunately some MAC computers have installed 64-bit gcc together with 32-bit Fortran leading to a fatal problem in compilation. In order to avoid this problem for users working with C main programs, the corresponding Fortran code CalcHEP_src/lib/faux.o is not included in the SLHAplus library.

2) The obsolete function "finite" is replaced by "isfinite" in accordance with C99, POSIX.1. This avoids numerous warnings during compilation on MAC.

3) The parameter BWrange that determines the range of application of the Breit-Wigner formula when computing a cross-section near a resonance can now be set by the user. Details can be found in the on-line manual.

4) A bug in constructing the decay spectra of new particles when the produced particles have very small momenta is fixed.

5) The Makefile generated by the newProject command has been improved to link automatically all static libraries disposed in the MODEL/lib directory. (Thanks to Andreas Goudelis)

6) HiggsSignal is updated to version 1.2.0

micromegas_3.6.7 (02/02/2014):

1) Interface with HiggsSignals.

2) A bug in spin dependent nuclear form factor for Xe129 and Te125 is fixed.

micromegas_3.3 (01/10/2013):

1) A bug (infinite cycle) in calculating particle widths is fixed.

2) The calculation of the relic density taking into account virtual W/Z works faster now.

3) The LanHEP source files now include an option to declare public variables.

4) The PDG codes of squarks are corrected.

5) In the MSSM model we have corrected a mistake in reading tb from an SLHA file input (thanks to Andre Lessa).

6) The Mass Limit function in the MSSM was updated.

7) The call of "newProcess" in NMSSM/main.[c/F] is corrected.

8) We have removed one parameter in the vSigma function.

9) More channels are included in the generation of gamma bremsstrahlung.

10) calcSpectrum now prints the relative weights of subprocesses (previously this was done in vSigma).

11) We have added processes with gamma bremsstrahlung to the list of processes printed by calcSpectrum.

12) We have fixed a bug (due to numerical instability) in the positron spectra computed with gamma bremsstrahlung.

13) To work with low mass DM we set a lower limit of 1 GeV for the QCD scale parameter in micrOMEGAs.

micromegas_3.2 (17/06/0213):

1) A bug in some LINUX operating systems led to a segmentation fault on some computers, this problem is bypassed.

2) We have corrected a bug in the implementation of the option to access parameters in func1.mdl via the findValW(varName) command.

3) In the Direct Detection module, we have added an instruction to restore the quark nucleon form factors used as default in version 2.4.5.

4) A bug in the computation of h->GG and h->AA in the IDM model is removed ( the mass of the pseudoscalar Higgs was used instead of mass of charged one) ( thanks to Beranger Dumont).

5) In MSSM-like model files a star(*) is added before the hGG and hAAcouplings to make these variables public and ensure that they can be accessed when calculating the reduced Higgs couplings.

6) A bug in cleaning the HiggsBounds directory is fixed.

7) The CALCHEP model files for the CPVMSSM and the LHM are updated.

8) The parameter Am (trilinear coupling of the muon) is now added to the list of parameters of the NMSSM and is passed to NMSSMTools.

9) A misprint in a commented instruction contained in all main.c files is fixed (ZWdecay -> VWdecay)

micromegas_3.1 (01/06/0213):

1) Problem with small memory leak was fixed (thanks to Kees Jan de Vries)

2) VVdecay is replaced with VWdecay and VZdecay, by default 3 body final states are switched off (VW/VZdecay=0). VW/VZdecay=1 takes into account processes with virtual W/Z for DM annihilation only while VW/VZdecay=2 include virtual W/Z in co-annihilation processes as well.

3) For the calculation of the relic density in modes VW/VZdecay>0 we implement a matching procedure between 2->3 and 2->2 processes. It leads to an increase of the relic density when DM annihilate into on-shell W/Z and only 2->2 processes are included. The effect is caused by a kinematical cut on Breit-Wigner distribution.

4) A new directory mdlIndep contains routines for model independent calculation of DM observables.

5) Parameter names with underscore symbol are now permitted in models.

6) Mb_pole and Mc_pole masses calculated at 1-loop are used for h->GG (similar to hdecay).

7) Widths of W and Z are calculated automatically in all models. It is needed for a more precise calculation of processes with virtual W/Z.

8) Makefile for SuSpect is corrected (extra space symbol is deleted)

9) NMSSMTools_4.0.0 is updated

micromegas_3.0.24 (16/05/0213):

1) Bug removed in the assignment of MH3,mu and MSOFT in the SUGRA option of the MSSM.