Micromegas v_2.2 for a generic model for the calculation of e
Relic density
Direct detection rates
Indirect detection rates
Code to calculate the properties of a stable massive particle  in a generic model.  First developed to compute the relic density of a stable massive particle, the code also computes the rates for direct and  indirect detection rates of dark matter. It is assumed that a discrete symmetry like R-parity ensures the stability of the lightest odd particle. All annihilation and coannihilation channels are included in the computation of the relic density. Specific examples of this general approach include the MSSM and various extensions. Extensions to other models can be implemented by the user. The New Physics model first requires to write a new  CalcHEP model file,  a package for the automatic generation of squared matrix elements.  This can be done through LanHEP. Once this is done, all annihilation and coannihilation channels are included automatically in any model.
The cross-sections for both spin dependent and spin independent interactions of WIMPS on protons are computed automatically as well as the rates for WIMP scattering on nuclei in a large detector.
 Annihilation cross-sections of the drak matter candidate at zero velocity, relevant for indirect detection of dark matter, are also computed automatically.

The package includes the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), the NMSSM, the MSSM with complex phases (CPVMSSM), the little Higgs model (LHM) and a model with right-handed neutrino DM (RHNM).

Present version (November 2009) is micromegas 2.2.CPC.i (Few bugs removed from micromegas_2.2.CPC)

A web interface for the computation of the direct detection rates developed by Rachid Lemrani can be found