JETPHOX is a program to calculate the reactions h h -> gamma/hadron + jet + X. By integrating over the jet, one can also get the single inclusive photon/hadron cross section at NLO.
The switch for the production of a photon/hadron is done automatically according to the choice of fragmentation functions for photons/hadrons in the input.

A description of the program and results can be found in the papers:

Before you start using the program, please read the Readme carefully.

The old released version of the source code (v1.2.2) is available here. Compared to the older version (v1.0), the main changes are:

The latest released version (v1.3.1_1) of JETPHOX is available, the source code is here. Compared to 1.3.1 : correction of the labels for nPDF in parameter.indat. Compared to 1.3.0, the main changes are : a regression has been fixed, the histo mode is now working; the normalisation is passed in the ntuple; the flag 3 for the isolation criterion has changed.

Compared to v.1.2.2, the main changes are:

The oldest version (v1.0) is still available here.

The version (v1.3.1_2) of JETPHOX is available, the source code is here. Compared to 1.3.1_1 : implementation of the ATLAS isolation criterion, the transverse energy deposited is less that A*pt+B.

The version (v1.3.1_3) of JETPHOX is available, the source code is here. Compared to 1.3.1_2 : no need of cernlib, the sources of the routines used have incorporated in jetphox.

A beta version (v1.3.1_4) of JETPHOX is available, the source code is here. Compared to 1.3.1_3 : a new argument has been added to the parameter file to select the member of the pdf set.

Please send any questions/comments to guillet at lapth dot cnrs dot fr

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